
Of course, I think kids are amazing.  That is why I do the work I do.  This week I was blessed to spend 6 days with my 4.5 month old nephew in Northern MI.  I just want to take this moment to thank and honor all of our children for the teachers they are in our lives.  Liam teaches me about patience and unconditional love.  I took care of his mother so many years ago as I was a teeenager during her growing years (my sister).  I know it is also due to my sisters that I do my work in this world, but it is such a gift to me to enjoy my nephew/godson.  I just want to take this time and have you take the next few minutes to sit/breathe/meditate on the gifts that all the children in your life have given you.  I will always contend that they are our greatest teachers.  I want to thank and honor all the children in the world.  We must also remember that at one time, we all were those little children teaching the adults in our lives.  

Aunt Shannon;)